====== Scouting ====== Scouting is one of the most important jobs in fleet when there are other fleets in system. A good scout will ensure the FC at all times has the most up to date information on where the other fleets are, what their composition looks like, how far they are through their site, etc. A good scout is the difference between doing a TPPH because another community took a TCRC while we weren't looking and doing a TCRC wall for 5 hours. If you are a good scout, FCs will love you. Learning how to scout is also a great step on the way to becoming an FC because of the awareness it gives you regarding predicting other fleets' behaviours. ===== Volunteering to Scout ===== Ask the FC if they would like a scout, usually the answer will be "Hell yes!", occasionally the answer may be "Thanks but we're the only fleet in system so it isn't really needed". If the answer is yes, login your scout and link its name in fleet chat so that the FC can invite it into Wing 2 in a Squad Command position. This will allow you to tag sites which is very handy for communicating information to the FC about which sites are taken. ===== Ships for Scouting ===== Ideally you want something that warps fast and has a covert ops cloak. Covert Ops frigates are excellent if you want to carry one with you in a Bowhead/Orca, if you haul your stuff around in a Blockade Runner, they can also be excellent scouts due to their hull bonus which gives you increased warp speed. Those are just the ideal options though, any small, reasonably fast warping ship can be used for scouting, T1 Frigates will get the job done just fine. ===== Tagging Sites ===== To tag a site, you will need to be at the gate. Then simply right click on the site on your overview, or the beacon in space, go to Tag Item and choose the tag to give to the site. You should use the following tags: * A - Our Site (the site we are currently in, or a site we have partially completed and bounced out of) * J - Do not warp, tag things like The Kundalini Manifest, Unidentified Wormholes and other sites that no one should ever be warping to * X - Taken site, a site that has been taken by another fleet Sometimes, if you are sitting on a site and the FC wants to know which one you are at as they want to warp to it next, they may ask you to tag it "C" for clear. Usually there's no need to tag sites as C, since a site can quickly become not clear if a fleet lands on it. We just assume that any untagged sites are clear. ===== Figuring out which communities are in system ===== You should join the following channels in-game, these are the other active HighSec HQ communities in EVE: * **"ARMOR-1"** (RU Armor Community) * **"New Galaxy Age"** (RU Shield Community) * **"WarpToMe Incursions"** (EN Shield Community) * **"The Ditanian Fleet"** (EN Armor Community) (not active much anymore as of June 2016) For the Russian channels, you can tell when a fleet is active by looking at the bottom: