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Crime Watch

This article explores Crimewatch 2.0. CCP introduced this system during the Retribution patch. This new system streamlines the timer system and this article looks to explain, combat timers, legality timer, session change timers, Log-off timers, and the safety system.

Combat Timer

The combat timers can be divided into three types. They are not due to the legality of your actions but still bear consequences to you.

Non-Capsuleer Log-Off Timer

The non-capsuleer log-off timer is a consequence of you being involved in combat with an NPC. If you are in space this timer will prevent you from being removed from space while the timer is active. The timer will not renew if you are attacked by an NPC after you disconnect.

Capsuleer Log-Off Timer

The capsuleer log-off timer is a consequence of you being involved in combat with another player (defense or offense). If you are in space this timer will prevent you from being removed from space while the timer is active. If someone attacks you after you have disconnected this timer will renew. This means that if someone finds you before you are removed from space they can keep you in space indefinitely.

Weapons Timer

The weapons timer is a consequence of you using an aggressive module against another player. While this timer is active you can not dock or use stargates. While this timer is active you are unable to change sessions.

Legality Timer

The Legality timers can be divided into three types. They are due to the legality of your actions and bear consequences to you. Read this section to make sure you are familiar with them

Suspect Timer

The suspect timer is caused when you commit a suspect level offence. For the duration of this timer, anyone can attack you without Concord intervention!

Criminal Timer

The criminal timer is caused when you commit a criminal level offence. For the duration of this timer, anyone can attack you without Concord intervention! Concord will engage you while you are in space!

Limited Engagement Timer

The limited engagement time is created when two capsuleers engage in combat. This timer means both pilots can freely engage each other while the timer is active without Concord intervention. If timer dose not start counting down until both parties cees combat towards each other.

Assisting someone with a limited engagement timer may cause you to go suspect! Keep your safety set to GREEN!

Session Change Timers

Session change timers are timers that are inherited if you do specific actions. The timer lasts 10 seconds and prevents you from doing certain actions. Actions that cause and are prohibited while a session timer is active are listed below:

  • Jumping through a stargate, wormhole or jump bridge
  • Using a jump drive
  • Docking or undocking
  • Joining, leaving or moving around in a fleet
  • Leaving your ship (ship ejection, or ship destruction)
  • Boarding a ship
  • Performing a clone jump
  • Being podded
  • Joining or leaving a corporation
  • Changing corp wallet divisions.

Be careful about session change timers If your ship is destroyed while you try and dock, you will be unable to dock in the next 10 seconds due to a session change timer and you can be killed in this time as well!

Log-off Timers

If you log gout from space, or your internet disconnects assuming you are not pointed (scrammed or warp disruption) you will perform an emergency align an warpout. Once you finish warping, you will remain in space for 60 seconds, upon the end of this time you will be removed from space and therefore will be safe.

This timer will increase:

  • To 5 minutes if you were involved with combat with NPC ships!
  • To 15 minutes if you were involved with combat with PVP - this will happen regardless on whether you are the aggressor, or the one aggressed. Should your ship be destroyed in this time, you will receive a new timer on your pod.

While your log off timer is active, be it the 1, 5 or 15 minute timer is active you remain in space, this means someone can find you warp to you and kill you in this time frame and your ship cannot fight back unless you log back in!

Gate Jump/Station Undock Timer

After certain interactions with stations and stargates you will be invulnerable.

  • After jumping through a stargate, you will have a session change timer for 10 seconds, and an invulnerability timer for 60 seconds. These timers DO NOT stack. When you are invulnerable after jumping you will be cloaked. While you are cloaked you cannot be A) De-cloaked by a player or object within 2km of your ship, you also cannot receive any incoming effects (damage, or boosts of any sort from other players). Your invulnerability lasts for 60 seconds or until you move what ever comes first!
  • When you undock from a station or outpost you have a 30 second invulnerability after undocking. In this case you are not cloaked and are visible but during this timeframe you cannot be bumped, targeted, or attacked. This timer ends as soon as you interact with your ship in anyway. (stop, move, activate a module etc).

Safety Status

Your starship has a built in safety system. It is designed to work with the new Crimewatch system. You saftey system has three settings. Always keep your safety's set to green!

Green Prevents all actions that will give you a criminal or suspect timer!
Yellow Prevents all actions that will give you a criminal timer, while allowing actions that will give you a suspect timer! - Note: going suspect will allow capsuleers to freely engage you in high-sec space.
Red Allows all actions that will give you a criminal or suspect timer! Note: going criminal allows other pilots to freely engage you, Concord will also attack you in High-Sec space!

Logi pilots! always keep your safety set to GREEN, if you cannot rep someone with a green safety then DO NOT REP THEM without FC permission!

guides/crimewatch.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/29 12:50 by nyxviliana