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======Vindicator Guide====== While the newbie guide is aimed at newer pilots or returning pilots that wish to refresh their memory, this guide is made for pilots who wish to get a more indepth guide on flying a Vindicator (or newbro hyperion). If you are reading this guide and are new to TVP and have not yet read the Newbro Guide please do so by [[|clicking here]]. =====Skills===== For information on the minimum required skills to fly in TVP fleets please go to the [[guides:minimum_skill_requirements|Minimum Skill Requirements]] page. On top of those skills you __MUST__ be able to online all modules on your ship. Note that Tech one or faction guns are allowed if you cannot use Tech Two guns. If you can not use Tech Two or 'Augmented' drones please use faction drones, not 'integrated' drones. As a Vindicator skills that will improve your experience and abilities include skills that: * Improve your gunnery damage (such as: surgical strike, motion prediction etc) * Improve your drone damage (such as: drone navigation, drone sharpshooter etc) * Increase your tank (such as: mechanics, hull upgrades, shield management etc) * Improve your capacitor (such as: capacitor management) * Improve the effectiveness of your hull (minmitar battleship, gallente battleship) You should aim to get the skills that fit into the above category to level 5 as fast as you can. =====Fit Variations===== The Vindicator comes in a range of fits including, the basic fit, advanced fit (pith B), advanced fit (pith A), DDD fit. The basic and advanced fit can be found [[fittings:hq_doctrines_and_ship_fittings|here]]. The only difference between the advanced fits "pith B" and "pith A" is the invuls, but the amount of EHP pith As give over their lower counter part is quite surprising so you should aim for pith As asap. ====Drone Bunny fit==== The drone bunny fit is desigend to be use ONLY by the DDD. It comes with a second stasis webifier. To achieve this fit make the following changes: - Remove the Tracking Computer in the mid slot - Replace it with a second web of your choice - Remove the two Drone Damage Amplafiers - Replace them with two Tracking Enhancers You should also bring the following ammo types: * Faction Antimatter L (for shooting close range frigates) * Null L (for shooting long range frigates) * Void L (for shooting towers) ====Choosing the Right Web==== As a pilot you should aim to use a faction web as they have better range and effectiveness over Tech Two Webs. The two we recomend are listed below with a few of their attributes. <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> **__True Sansha Stasis Webafier__** * 5 GJ activation cost * Optimal range (with boosts) 20km * Maximum Velocity Bonus -55% </WRAP> <WRAP half column> **__Federation Navy Stasis Weafier__** * 5 GJ activation cost * Optimal range (with boosts) 19km * Maximum Velocity Bonus -60% </WRAP> </WRAP> You should choose the web that best suits you, web range or effectiveness. There is no right or wrong answer, but remember that as you train your battleship skills up for the vindicator you will improve your Web effectiveness as well. =====Flying the Ship===== The vindicator is a close range brawling ship. Our fits are designed for maximum damage and effectiveness. For this reason as a vindicator you have three jobs while your on grid. * Shoot Things * Web Things * Roles ====Shooting your guns==== As a Vindicator you deal damage in two forms. Drones and Guns. As you assign your drones to a designated person who is responsible for using them to deal damage an ordinary vindicator dose not have to worry about their drones, just launch them assign them, and recall them. Your primary damage is therefore your guns. ===Tech One or Two=== While we allow a pilot who is starting with us to use tech one guns if they do not have the skills, tech two guns should be a goal that you should reach ASAP. We will expect you to get them as you can. This is for two reasons: - Ammo: T2 guns can use Null L and Void L. These often deal significantly more damage than their faction equivalent they are also considerably cheaper. - DPS: In addition two using T2 guns for their ammo, they also increase both the range you can shoot things and the DPS you will apply under every circumstance. The more people who use T2 guns the faster we will run sites and the more Isk we will make. ===Ammo=== A Vindicator should aim to carry two types of ammo and of course nanite paste. As you learn to fly your ship you will work out a good quantity of each to carry, but if your starting out I would recommend: 1k nanite paste, 5k long range ammo, the rest short range. If you are likely to DDD you may want to adjust these numbers to allow you to also bring at least 5000 units of Federation Navy Antimatter as well. Below is a list of ammo types and situations to use them: <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> **__T2 Guns__** * Void L, whenever you can web the target and for bashing towers and the Kundalini Manifest. * Null L, whenever a target is out of Void Optimal, a good target to use Null L for is a target you cannot web. * Federation Navy Antimatter L: is useful for the DDD as it deals high damage, and has better tracking against frigates than Void L. </WRAP> **__T1 Guns__** * Faction Antimatter L, whenever you can web the target and for bashing towers and the Kundalini Manifest. * Faction Tungsten L, is basically your version of Null L. <WRAP half column> </WRAP> </WRAP> It is important to use the right ammo for the right situations, generally if you can web your target use short range high DPS, if you cannot use long range. If you don't know what ammo you should be using ask in fleet chat. ====Web Things==== The second job you have as a vindicator is to apply your stasis webifier to DPS targets. This makes them easier to kill it also means you do more damage, sites go faster and you make more Isk. Obviously to web somthing you have to be in range, so there are certain targets you wont be able to web. But normally you will web the ships with number tags or that the FC calls out to be webed. There are a few exceptions to things that the aforementioned rule of webbing numbered targets: - Arnons and Bombers should be webbed if they are in range. - Vyalade should never be webbed - (it has no prop mod) - The target with the number one doesn't usually need a web - this is true if you have lots of vindis as they should be able to kill the first target before it can burn out of range. - DDD/HHH and SSS should use their webs on targets they are actively trying to kill. ====Roles==== Our Vindicators have four specific support roles, Vindi Anchor (VVV), Light Drone Bunny (DDD), and the Heavy/Sniper Drone Bunnies (HHH/SSS). Learning roles and volunteering on a regular basis will get you noticed by FCs and may casue you to get priority invites at times. ===VVV=== While we want all of our vindicators to be able to fly themselves to targets that need webs, and then get to the anchor positions before the next spawn, and to be able to do this by themselfs it is not a realistic expectation as we will often have new bros in fleet, and people who are just not fantastic at spacial awareness. For this reason at any given time we will have one designated vindi anchor in fleet. For information on how to do this check out [[guides:anchoring|Anchoring and Fleet Positioning (AAA/VVV Roles)]]. ===DDD=== The Light Drone Bunny, is responsible for killing those small pesky frigates that most Vindicators can't kill. Because a lot of these frigates also scram and nute, it is important to keep as few of them on grid as possible for safety reasons. The DDD is very important and is one of the few roles used in every single site. For more information visit [[guides:light_drone_bunny|Light Drone Bunny Guide (DDD)]]. ===HHH/SSS=== The Heavy Drone Bunnies are responsible for clearing the cruiser and battlecruiser sized ships of the grid. They also kill the logistics cruisers so this is another very important role, for more information view [[guides:heavy_drone_bunny|Heavy Drone Bunny Guide (HHH/SSS)]].

guides/dps.1465098928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/06/05 03:55 by rogeratoll