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Sansha Incursion Headquarters vs. Vanguards

Here at The Valhalla Project, we specialize in two of the four types of Sansha Incursion. The Valhalla Project focus on Headquarters and the Vanguard Project specializes in Vanguards.

Headquarters Incursions allow up to 40 people in fleet. Sites range between an average of 7 and 20 minutes. Sansha Headquarters are the most dangerous of all of the high sec incursions. The average HQ fleet can make between 130-300 million an hour plus 7000 LP per site. The LP is pooled and payed out upon the successful completion of the incursion. The incursion is ended when the Kundalini Manafest site is completed and the Revanent Supper Carrier is destroyed. We aim to run 23 1/2 hours a day 7 days a week. If you are interested join the in game chat channel “The Valhalla Project”

Vanguard Incursions are run by the VG-V division of The Valhalla Project. VG-V Specializes in pushing the limits of the Vanguard sites. They often push the limit of isk making up to 100 m/hr or more + LP with around 12 pilots. Vanguard sites last 2-3 minutes, and are far less dangerous. However Vanguards are more specialized. If you are interested talk to a VG FC today, or join the in game chat channel “The Vanguard Project”. Being part of a well-run Vanguard fleet is a very rewarding experience and is highly recommended.

For information on the VG-V fits join the following mailing lists that interest you:

  • VG-V Fitting Machariel
  • VG-V Fitting Nightmare
  • VG-V Fitting Vindicator
  • VG-V Fitting Scimitar
community/hqs_vs_vgs.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/05 01:06 by nyxviliana