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<WRAP center round info 75%>This page has been marked for review, an admin will look at it as soon as possible.</WRAP> ======Efficiently and Safely Upgrading Your Vindicator====== This is a comprehensive guide to upgrading from our [[fittings:hq_doctrines_and_ship_fittings#Vindicator_(basic)|basic Vindicator]] or smiliar to the [[fittings:hq_doctrines_and_ship_fittings#Vindicator_(advanced)|advanced Vindicator]] fit. We understand that not everyone can invest heavily in their ship fits at the start of their incursion career, however upgrading your fit offers many rewards including; higher DPS for more isk per hour, less capacitor issues, and most importantly safer by upgrading your tank. =====Assumptions Made by the Author===== For this guide we assume you have our [[fittings:hq_doctrines_and_ship_fittings#Vindicator_(basic)|basic Vindicator fit]] or something similar. The goal is to get you into the [[fittings:hq_doctrines_and_ship_fittings#Vindicator_(advanced)|advanced Vindicator fit]]. //Please note if you already have a faction web and **Core X MWD** you can skip to [[guides:upgrading_your_vindicator#Switching_the_Tank|the Switching Your Tank section of this guide]].// =====Basic Steps===== You should start by getting a __faction stasis webifier__. They have better range and effectiveness than both T1 and T2 variants. You have two main choices: <WRAP group> <WRAP half column> **True Sansha Stasis Webifier** * -55% Maximum Velocity * 20km Range with boosts * With Maximum skills this web gets a 82.5% reduction in velocity. </WRAP> <WRAP half column> **Federation Navy Stasis Webifier** * -60% Maximum Velocity * 19km Range with boosts * With Maximum skills this web gets a 90% reduction in velocity. </WRAP> </WRAP> The web you choose is completely up to you, pick one that meets your style! Once you have a faction web you should get a Deadspace Micro Warp Drive. We recomend the **Core X-Type 500MN Microwarpdrive**, it is as expensive as they come but it is also the best. It should be noted that while this prop mods stats look very similar to other prop mods in its class this one can give you approximately an extra 60 seconds of capacitor life. A huge boost in a Vindicator. =====Switching the Tank===== <wrap em>The switch from basic to advanced, pay special attention here!</wrap> This is the most important part of the upgrade process and the part that if done wrong could prevent you from being invited to fleet for safety reasons. This is broken in to five sub sections. - Get a single __Pith B or Pith A__ (depending on how much you choose to spend originally we recommend getting the **Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Field**. It is cheaper and is the minimum required invul for the advanced Vindicator fit. - Get a second __Pith B or Pith A__. When this is done you need to remove your **Pithum C-Type EM Ward Amplifier** and all of your rigs. - Add one of each of the following rigs: * **Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I** * **Large Hybrid Burst Aerator II** * //You are now flying with the advanced tank.// - Fill your empty mid slot that is empty with a single **Shadow Serpentis Tracking Computer** - Remove your two **Tracking Enhancer II**s and replace them with two **Federation Navy Drone Damage Amplifier**s <wrap em>IMPORTANT THINGS TO NOTE:</wrap> * Step One can be done by itself, the rest needs to be done in one go! * If you cannot afford faction modules for step four and five, T2 modules are accepted but should be upgraded ASAP. =====Bling for Joy, Bling for Goodness!===== At this stage you are considered an advanced tank Vindicator, you do more damage than you used to, but there is still more improvements you should make. * Replace any T2 damage and tracking modules with faction, they preform better, make you look more impressive and earn you better isk/hr. * If you have __Pith B invuls__, you should also aim to get __Pith As__ as fast as possible, they are very expensive but if you take full aggro they can save your life. =====Final Things to work on.===== While Tech one blasters are acceptable, please work towards Tech Two guns as soon as possible. Please note any upgrades beyond this point in the fit are at your discretion we DO NOT however cover officer mods in our SRP program. For more information on acceptable drone load outs please [[guides:drones#Vindicator|click here]].

guides/upgrading_your_vindicator.1469603816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/27 07:16 by nyxviliana