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====== Anchoring and Fleet Positioning (AAA/VVV Roles) ====== <div group> ===== True Creations Research Centre (TCRC) ===== {{ :guides:anchoring_images_tcrc.jpg?200|}} ==== AAA (Meatshield and Logi Anchor) ==== == Meatshielding: == * In a TCRC, the AAA functions as a meatshield. * They enter the site early to pull agro, and then logi can immediately begin repping them on landing * For this reason, the AAA should ideally have Pithum A/B type invuls, C-Types are acceptable * In the case that the AAA has T2 invuls, it is recommended that you use a well tanked Nightmare as * the meatshield (separate role) == Step-by-Step Instructions: == - Wait for the FC to call "Triple A take the gate" - Take the gate - As soon as the grid loads on your overview call "Normal", "Partial Preload" or "Full Preload" * Normal = No Deltoles * Partial Preload = Deltoles, but no Outunis * Full Preload = Outunis on grid <div column half> == If Normal/Partial Preload: == - Burn 3-4 cycles towards the MTAC factory - Burn towards your anchor position, ensuring that you are in range of the fleet at the tower </div> <div column half> == If Full Preload: == - Overheat your hardeners - Burn towards the MTAC factory (propmod on and leave it on) - Lock and shoot the tower (leave guns cycling) - When Outunis are close to death, stop shooting - Burn towards your anchor position, ensuring that you are in range of the fleet at the tower It is very important to shoot the tower to pull all the agro to you and allow logi to then land and put all reps on without worrying about who's taking agro Stop shooting the tower when Outunis are close to death to allow the agro to switch off you so that you can burn to your position without being webbed </div> </div>

guides/anchoring.1463995589.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/23 09:26 by Aygo Swagtomo